Events Portfolio
Coordinate activities and committees primarily social in nature.
Marcus Kleefman
VP Events
3rd Year Operations Management
Drink Order: Home Brewed Black Coffee
Study Spot: Law Library
Favourite Course = OM 411 (Business Process Management)
Fun Fact: Pepsi is better than Coke
Advice for First Years:
“Don't be afraid to change your major - it took me 3 tries before realizing OM was the right major for me!”

Angie Tan
Social Enrichment Events Director
2nd Year Operations Management
Drink Order: Blackberry Yuzu Quencher from Tim Hortons
Study Spot: Secret!
Favourite Course = STAT 161 (Introductory Statistics for Business and Economics)
Fun Fact: I love fun earrings! You might catch me with fruits, a tea set, dinosaurs, and many more on my ears at some point :)
Advice for First Years:
“Get involved with something you feel passionate about! High reward comes through best when you are invigorated and are ardent with what you are involved with. Any role, even small and low-commitment, stands out when you do it for yourself and feel strongly about it. Even if your friends are not in it or you might be nervous, do it."
Udit Janarthanan
Social Enrichment Events Director
2nd Year Buisness Economics, and Law
Drink Order: Iced tea from anywhere that sells it
Study Spot: Cameron Library - 4th Floor
Favourite Course = MARK 201 (Introduction to Marketing)
Fun Fact: I like to swim!
Advice for First Years:
“Get involved, don't be afraid to join clubs!”

Ewurafua Aidoo
Athletics Events Director
3rd Year Strategic Management and Organization
Drink Order: French Vanilla at Tim Hortons
Study Spot: 3rd floor Cameron Library
Favourite Course = SEM 210 (Introduction to Management, Organization and Entrepreneurship)
Fun Fact: My name literally translates to "a lady born on a Friday"
Advice for First Years:
“Take advantage of new opportunities and become comfortable with being uncomfortable. You are going to try new things that scare you but that should motivate you to try them, not shy away from them.”
Rafid Chowdhury
Athletics Events Director
3rd Year Accounting
Drink order: Large Ice Cap at Tim Hortons
Study Spot: Carruthers
Favourite Course = ACCTG 211 (Introduction to Accounting for Financial Performance)
Fun Fact: I love One Piece!
Advice for First Years:
“Try to have fun whenever you can in between the long study sessions.”

Viktor Ivanov
Charity Events Director
2nd Year Marketing
Drink Order: Iced Vanilla Rooibos at Remedy
Study Spot: 4th floor of Education
Favourite Course = PSYCH 105 (Individual and Social Behavior)
Fun Fact: I've been in two commericials!
Advice for First Years:
“Be friendly! Most people are just as scared to meet people as you are, sometimes all it takes is that first step and you'll find yourself making a bunch of friends!”

Elliot Hope
Professional Development Events Director
2nd Year Finance
Drink Order: Vanilla Rooibos Chai at Remedy Café
Study Spot: Second floor Caruthers or ECHA library
Favourite Course = Accounting 211 (It's not as bad as everyone says it is)
Fun Fact: I've been skydiving!
Advice for First Years:
“Don't be shy to meet new people (joining clubs helps!), and don't be afraid to ask for help with difficult courses!”
Ming Fong
Professional Development Events Director
3rd Year Finance
Drink order: Japanese Roasted Oolong at Teapsy (HUB Mall)
Study Spot: Carruthers Student Commons
Favourite Course = FIN 434 (Advanced Topics in Finance) with Randall
Fun Fact: One of my biggest goals is to go on an exchange to Vienna before I graduate!
Advice for First Years:
“Be curious and attend networking events, ask questions! It might feel intimidating at first, but it will soon become second nature.”
Check out Another Portfolio