Faculty Association Membership Fee (FAMF)
FAMF is the $10 per semester fee that you already pay as a Business Student. FAMF funds 4 main categories:
Club Funding: FAMF provides funding to all business clubs in the Business Clubs Council (BCC). The council is comprised of clubs that are in good standing and recognized officially by the Business Faculty. Each club receives $400 per semester to help put on events for business students depending on if they meet the requirements. More details can be found on the BSA Instagram (refer to out FAMF post).
Student Wellness: FAMF allows the BSA to provide students with multiple events and services to promote mental health and overall wellbeing (Cure for Mondays, Wellness Wednesdays, Exam Care Packages, Therapy Dogs, and more).
Conference Funding: FAMF allows students to apply to get up to $500 reimbursed to attend a conference. Refer to our SAF page to learn more.
Projects of Public Good: New initiatives that directly benefit business students (ex. student scholarships, EDI, and period equity projects).