Student Activity Fund (SAF)

The Student Activity Fund (SAF) reimburses students who attend conferences hosted externally (outside) of the University of Alberta. Students who meet eligibility criteria can apply for a reimbursement of up to $500 of incurred conference fees! Any student pursuing their BCom degree can access the SAF once per school year.

Conference Criteria

  1. The conference must benefit the student’s business degree in reasonable form (Ex. A Comicon conference is eligible if the student has demonstrated and shown an interest in starting a business related to comics)

  2. The conference must be external with respect to the host (RMBS, Enactus, AIESEC, JDCW, NEW, etc. hosted conferences are not eligible)

  3. There must be no possibility of monetary gain from the conference (Case competitions with prize money, trading competitions where you keep the gain)

In almost all cases, it is required to do your own research on the conference to determine its eligibility.

Student Criteria

  1. Completeness and quality of answers on the Google Form

  2. Financial need (ex. Did you use SAF in previous years or Green and Gold Fund?)

  3. Deadline met (1 month before the conference start)

  4. Students can only apply once per school year (includes spring/summer)

  5. Students must currently be in the Bachelor of Commerce program


1. Pre-Approval Form

When to Fill Out: At least 1 month BEFORE your conference (Ex. Your conference is on November 10th, your submission deadline is October 10th).

Follow the link to the google form below and complete fully so that the finance team is able to determine your eligibility for the funding.

2. Wait For Your Email

Your application will be reviewed and you will be contacted by our finance portfolio shortly after your submission deadline has passed regardless of your applications success.

3. Reimbursement Form

When to Fill Out: Within 10 days AFTER your conference

If your application is successful, please download this reimbursement form and familiarize yourself with what expenses need to be tracked. This form, plus all expendable receipts from your conference, must be handed into the BSA office within 10 days of the end of your conference. Ensure your name is present on each receipt.

For more information, contact our Finance Director, Sahj Dhillon.